Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A poll about REAL life as a parent

What music I listen to, movies I like, or condiments I use don't reveal my real day-to-day life as a mom, so I put together a list of questions that just seem more pertinent to being a parent...

What does you car smell like?
-chicken nuggets
-dog and toddler
-you don't want to know

What's the grossest thing you touched today?
-the worm that your child picked up from a puddle on the street
-a week old sandwich from under the couch
-baby poo

At the end of a typical week, how do you measure how busy it was?
The number of ...
-conversations you had with your spouse that weren't via cell phone or email
-baskets of clean laundry waiting to be folded
-times you went to the gym
-days you skipped a shower

What's the last thing your child threw on the kitchen floor?
-a half empty bowl of milk and cereal
-a spoon

Your number one top parent worry is ...
-your child's health
-your child's behavior
-your child's college fund
-all of the above and more

What comprises the list in your head that you have yet to write down?
-unfinished house projects/chores
-things you forgot to get at the grocery store
-your child's Christmas list
-all of the above and more

What is the last thing you did online?
-posted something about your child on your blog
-looked up the words to a kid's song
-looked up symptoms of a childhood illness

What is the last song you sang out loud?
-the latest tune you downloaded on your iPod
-something from the 1980s, sung while you were in the shower
-a lullaby
-anything that had a farmer in it

Your hair ...
-is overdue for a trim
-is best seen under a baseball cap
-is turning gray as we speak

What is the last thing you skipped that you probably shouldn't have?
-your last cardio workout
-a shower

What is the thing that makes the stress most worth it?
-watching your baby sleep
-a hug from your spouse and child at the same time
-when your toddler says "Bagel"
-all of the above and more

1 comment:

Jenny said...

are you spying on me?! this sounds way too familiar!