Friday, October 19, 2007

The Flour Video


jessica v. said...

This reminds me of two things:

1) Who was it in Greek mythology (I think) who had to transfer one pile of sand or dirt or something to another, using only a tweezers or a spoon or something? (Obviously this isn't a very strong memory, since it's pretty patchy...and I'm pretty sure they didn't have tweezers in ancient Greece...though I could be wrong)

jessica v. said...

oops I posted before I left the second thing. I mean, I'm building suspense...

2)Making mud cakes in the backyard, which I seem to remember as one of my most favorite childhood pastimes ever...

I don't know Julie, between this and the talking to sleep, you may have a wee Jessica clone on your hands...ooooooooo it's like we're related!


Or maybe I'm just not as unique as I thought I was. Sigh.

grammie said...

love the video - it is so much fun listening to his voice....has tony's mom seen these....they r great......