Monday, October 15, 2007

Medical Update

WARNING: This falls into the TMI (too much information) category

So, John is still having discomfort when he urinates. We took him back to Feiste's office on Saturday. (Apparently they now how morning office hours on Saturday, although it was just the Feisternator himself, no nurse practitioners, poor guy!) I had found a lump right where John's leg meets his body that seemed tender, and I'm thinking "kidney stone." Turns out it is a lymph node, and not even a swollen one. Although John is feeling much, much better, much more like his normal vivacious self, he's still having that pain (grabbing his crotch occasionally and crying out and making a face). We did finally start getting some wet diapers again. Although it sort of seems like he is saving all his pee for nighttime.

Feiste said he would schedule an ultrasound for John, just to be sure. They took a urine sample (with a catheter) on Friday, which was "negative at 24 hours," and which "looked great," so it's not a urinary tract or kidney infection. John had a small reddish patch on the underside of his penis, and Feiste told us how to treat that, it's getting better, but we're not sure if that's the whole problem...

So, lots of tempest in a teacup, but still not sure why he's having pain. It's hard to just live with the "it may just be one of those things" diagnosis, which is why I'm mostly glad he will be having an ultrasound.

The whole thing kills me, because it I can't tell if it's something really wrong, or just temporary. On Saturday, I drove Tony crazy because I always feel like I'm "bothering" the doctor when I have to go back (three days in a row) and they can't really say what's wrong. Should we go or not go? Should we wait and see? Feiste spends as much time reassuring me as he does on anything else. Saturday he asked me if I wanted a Prozac.


grammie said...
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grammie said...

Grandpapprazzi says:

What did Feiste say when you said "I'm ON Prozac!"
Just kidding!

We're sure sorry to hear the little guy wasn't feeling well - hope the bagels fixed everything up!

Juliet said...

He said "You have even more anxiety than my wife did with our kids!"

Jenny said...

completely normal. this is exactly what jeff and i went thru this weekend with naomi and her allergic reaction. i was the one calling the nurse and counting the hours til the dr office opened on monday so i could take her in and get her checked out.

everyone has their role. you and i are playing the typical mom role: suspect anything and everything when it doesn't seem normal. goes along with what everyone told me about parenting -- trust your instincts and intuition. you will know best.

btw -- did you change diaper brand when you went from size 3's to 4's? could there be something different about the diaper?

Juliet said...

We didn't change brands, still Target brand. I'm sure it's a combination of a million small things. Sigh. I really, REALLY wanted to be the laid-back mom. I guess I should have known that was impossible with my track record!

Jeff said...


couldn't you just say he has a rash below the belt? one of his friends at daycare might read this and now he'll get teased about it. where's the responsible parenting on the tmi stuff? pictures of his "condition" better not follow.

Juliet said...

Hmmm. Jeff you raise a good point, although I'm torn. Part of me thinks it's a parent's job to embarrass their kids. I'm just getting a head start.