Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Update: Doctors say it's Tony's fault

Not really. But Tony's blood test did show that he does have the E antigen, which probably means that John got it, which is why I am producing the anti-E antigen.
Thanks to Dr. Chapman in the Maternal Fetal medicine office, I have a better understanding of the whole thing now. (She drew a picture.) I don't have the E antigen, I have the anti-E antigen (Igg), which could attack the possible E antigen on Twohy's red blood cells, causing the possibility of anemia danger. The E antigen itself is not a problem for Tony or John, it's just a rare trait of the blood. Dr. Chapman also said the risk from this situation goes up with each subsequent pregnancy, so the only way to avoid it is to find a partner without the E antigen. But she said she didn't recommend that at this point.

This week's ultrasound looked very good. I have another next Thursday. I didn't get a weight on Twohy this week, the ultrasound was really fast.
I'll try to post this week's pictures and last week's soon.
My two-week check-up with Hearn was fine, I have another in 2 weeks.

We are just counting out the clock, in a race to see if Twohy can be born before developing anemia! So silly, I know!


wirrek said...

Ha! I knew it.

Tony said...

I wonder if I got the e-antigen through e-mail?

Jenny said...

Is this similar to the reason some of us get the Rhogam shot during pregnancy? It sounds like a similar situation (ie. i don't have something in my blood, but baby might so i have to get a shot to suppress my body's natural reaction to attack the baby's blood). maybe this is similar but a more rare condition so they don't have a routine shot for it??

Juliet said...

Exactly, Jenny. Rh positive or negative on your blood type involves the D-antigen, which is more common. I don't know why they don't do a shot for the e-antigen situation, haven't thought to ask that one yet...

Christine said...
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