Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tummy Time with your host, Christopher

I'm actually a better baby-mom with Christopher than I was with John, even though I have less energy and time. I sort of "get" entertaining a baby now. Like any first time parent, I expected too much from John right away. Now I know how to just a take a toy and hold it near Christopher and just have a couple minutes of playtime, rather than thinking the perfect toy is going to hold his attention for 10 or 15 minutes!
Anyway, here's a fun tummy time I figured out this time, combining tummy time, with the help of a Boppy, and a mirror.


Jenny said...

sooooo adorable!

i wish we got that show in dallas. :)

Anonymous said...

great discovery - we r looking forward to seeing u guys wednesday...christopher looks so satisfied.....good for both of you....mom