Our friend Kerri hates the cold and is particularly disgusted when there is snow that doesn't stick well enough or long enough for the kids to enjoy it. We had such a day last week, and so she took matters into her own hands. Her paper snowball fight was a hit! Literally. After throwing snowballs got old, Kerri invented a snowball throwing obstacle course. Christopher sat on the sidelines and watched.
Now I think I understand a little more how you came to be so capable, Kerry. (If it weren't for Moms, the universe would have reached maximum entropy eons ago...)
what a fun idea...i think i'll be stealing that one. :)
Did Christopher get pelted by any snowballs or was he off-limits?
Clever of Kerri to do it at your house!
Maybe she should be a pre-school teacher!! All those skills being wasted teaching Microbiology and Anatomy and Physiology. Jokes!
Gramma Worthy
Christopher and I were mostly on the sidelines. I think he didn't get hit, but he didn't say anything afterwards, so I don't know.
Oh, I think I threw up a little bit at Gramma Worthy's comment.
I know, I agree with her about you being good at it, but you have way too much sense to choose that job!!!
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Now I think I understand a little more how you came to be so capable, Kerry. (If it weren't for Moms, the universe would have reached maximum entropy eons ago...)
Brilliant activity!
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