Friday evening was the Kids' Fun Run of 400 meters (about 1/4 mile). We drove out there the weekend before, to "rehearse," that is find the park (hidden under Academy Road), scope out parking, and see the course. We actually ran into the director of the run while we were there. He was very friendly.

This is a "Where's Waldo" type picture of everyone waiting for the start of the race. You can't see John at all, but Tony's head (in a beige baseball cap) is right in the center of the picture. He is looking down at John.

John's BFF James is in the center of the front row in the dark green shirt. James really wanted to win.

Here is the run just after it started. Christopher (in the stroller) and I ran as fast as we could back around to the finish line so that we could see the finish. I think that was about the same distance as the course. I was sad to see all the late people walking up. One dad said, "Why are you all running back this way?" I had to tell him the race had already started and we were racing to get pictures of the finish line.

Here are Tony and John finishing. They held hands the whole time.

Here is John contemplating the symbol of his victory. I looked at this picture four times before I realized he was surrounded by extra medals!

James and John sharing their triumph.

Local ice rink spokespenguin.

We had dinner at a rib joint downtown afterward.

The next morning at 9:20am was the 5K Run/Walk.
My plan was originally to have both Christopher and John start out in the stroller and John could get out and walk occasionally. However, I "wore" Christopher in the Björn, which made a lot of our fellow walkers smile. One woman even took a picture of him.

Also, in the 40 pounds of extra gear I packed for "just in case," I neglected to bring John's shoes. So he HAD to ride in the stroller.

We started at the back of the walkers, with several other strollers. I think there were about 2000 5K walkers. We did not finish last.

John did amazingly well in the stroller, his favorite activity was reaching out to touch the cones as he went by them.

We're not sure how this taxi got on the course. We made sure that no one got out and ran across the finish line...

I saw the clock reaching one hour right after we passed the taxi, so we decided to run to make it under an hour! We made it! Tony was later disgusted to find out our actual time was about 57 min 30 sec, since we started at the back of the race. I think his comment was "You mean we didn't have to run?"

At the end of the run, as we went back to the main area for the post-race festivities, we crossed the Reedy River.

We met up with BFF James and family at Falls Park afterward. Miss Kerri ran the 10K.

While the boys ran around, Tony enjoyed a little quiet time with a sleeping Christopher. This was Tony's favorite part of the day.

Here are our two future old farts, sitting on a bench, waiting for Miss Kerri and Andy to catch up.

We all had a great time, and the weather was good. It was pretty chilly, but very clear. I definitely plan on doing it again next year!
That's so fun that John wanted to do the run!! And it's SO CUTE that Tony and John held hands the whole time! Looks like everyone had a good time both days, and Reedy River Park is beautiful! I always forget!
John was game for the run until we got there and he saw how many people there were. Tony's tactic got John going: "I'm going to do it, and if you want to come with me you can." That worked much better than my choice: "You'll have fun, but you don't have to if you don't want to..."
Reedy River Park is beautiful, I wish it were about 15 minutes closer... at least we'll always have the botanical garden!
what a fun weekend! i enjoyed reading all about it -- nicely told and documented. tony's parts were funny!
so where is john's medal now?! is it on display somewhere?
John's medal is now on the fridge. His running number is on the door to his room. (Replacing last Halloween's homemade decorations)
I think I actually should have split this into two posts. It's kind of Russian novel-length for a blog post!
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