Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Settling in

I'm glad to report that we are very close to having our new routine in place. Christopher has a feeding schedule that allows mom and dad to get "some" rest. Mommy feeds and daddy burps. Daddy has re-learned his technique for swaddling and can get Christopher to sleep within 2 minutes. John gets plenty of time with Christopher and gets to hold him at least once a day. We're still learning just how gentle John needs to be and how close to Christopher's face he can get. Since Christopher sleeps so much, John gets plenty of mommy and daddy time. Mommy gets plenty of rest and daddy gets housework done after everyone is in bed (roughly 9-11pm).

After the trials we went through with Penna Baby #1, this is a breeze (so far)!


Christine said...

Sounds fantastic! All your skills from Baby John are coming in handy, I am sure!

Anonymous said...

congratulations tony.....good job...

YEAH!!!!! TEAM PENNA......
