John is doing much better for the school drop-off. He doesn't whine long about going to school, he walks right in, and today he hugged me before I left, rather than crying and clinging to my leg.
Tony has been taking him on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and picking him up on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I think that helps all of us a lot...
So, that was about 4-5 weeks for the transition. Not bad. Have to cement that in my brain so I remember for the next time there's a big transition. I think we have one coming soon, I just can't remember what it is... Hmmmm...
Eyes Focused, Ears... On
4 hours ago
YEAH -- CONGRATULATIONS TO U ALL...I'm glad it is going so
It's nice to get the hurricane wreckage all cleaned up - before the tsunami hits.
Although we've made it through the worst of the school transition (knock wood), we are having tropical depression "Whiny pants." I hope this phase is over soon. "I want butter on my bagel. I don't want butter on my bagel. I want different butter on my bagel. It's too hot. It's too cold. Get me my milk [which is three inches away from me]." All of which is accompanied by so much whining and crying it takes us about 2 minutes to figure out each sentence. Oy vey.
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