Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ok, so how bad would it be ...

if we actually named him "Twohy"?


Christine said...

It certainly would be unique. When y'all sent me flowers, I had to call to get the message because the card had slipped out. The representative on the phone read the message and then said, "from Tony, Juliet, John, T-W-O-H-Y, and Keats." So, perhaps it is harder to pronounce than you think!

Juliet said...

Tony spells it "Twoie." I don't know if that would be clearer or not...

jessica v. said...

What about just tooie? So kind of give up that it originally came from two and just go with a spelling that might make more sense?

Juliet said...

I don't think there's any way to spell it that doesn't confuse people... except 2-E. That would probably cause all kinds of problems for paperwork...

wirrek said...

Duh, what about 2E?

Juliet said...

Yes, it would be kind of like Wall-e, which of course John and I like. Although it seems a little too "king of the 1998 world wide web."

We have also discussed "Patooey."

Tonight, John said he wanted to name him "I'm American made but a lot Chevrolet." That one still makes me laugh!

Pa said...


Pa said...

Ptooey Rambo Penna.

Ummm.... I don't know...

Jenny said...

what about:
Too E Penna

or using it as the middle name and calling him that (like mom):
[something] Twohy Penna

Juliet said...

Jenny, I love your suggestion of Too E. Penna! Too Excellent? Too Exciting? Hopefully Too Effortless!?

jessica v. said...

I am totally all for using it as his middle name. Isn't that what middle names are for? Or you could be extra posh (or Latin-esque) and give him two middle names if you don't want to give up the middle name you were considering...

Or three middle names if it you want to have total clarity and have Too E separately, though E isn't a word, it's a letter.

So Rocky Rambo Too E Penna, basically...

But there is precedence - the lead guy in the band The Eels is known as E. So it can be done.

Juliet said...

Tony is going to be really sad when he reads all these comments, because I am loving using Twohy (or some spelling of it) for the middle name... It's kind of like that time he flew back to Louisville after Jenny's wedding and we had all decided that he and I would get married in Greece!
(Here Jessica, this one's for you: Sometimes the best laid plans DON'T aft gangley. Get out your pretentiousness meter, Jeff.)

Tony said...

It is Friday night. I am in my friend's living room in Hilton Head Island, SC. I have read all of your comments. Monday morning I will use this blog to justify taking out a restraining order against all y'all from naming Penna Baby #2, whose name will be Robert Pepsi Home Depot Ford Tostitos FedEx Edmond Penna.

Juliet said...

LOL. I knew it was only a matter of time before I was caught...