Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Duh duh duuh, duh duh duh duuh duh

(That's supposed to be the Darth Vader theme music up there in the title, BTW).

A couple of weeks ago, we had the privilege of hosting Kerri's Movie Monday Party at our house because Andy had the flu. And in true imitation is the sincerest form of flattery fashion, we did a "Star Wars: Episode I - Phantom Menace" Party, complete with light sabers and pod racers.

Here is Christopher on his "speeder." I think he is practicing his look for Princess Leia in her gold bikini.


Jenny said...

hee hee! love the pod racers and speeders. too funny.

and i dig the idea of a monday movie night...fun!

Juliet said...

Kerri has movie Monday every Monday afternoon. After James and Andy have quiet time/nap, John and Henry go over after school and they watch whatever movie James has picked out at the local library. Kerri gives them a snack, and then either walks them home or I pick them up on the way to pick up Christopher. It's a great way for me to squeeze in another couple hours of work! I am indebted to Kerri for it!

Christine said...

The pictures are priceless! All the boys in a row on the couch is super cute!

Pa said...

In about 10 years, I'll bet they try to include a REAL Princess Leia in a bikini!

Juliet said...

I know, I know...