Friday, July 25, 2008

No Nap

Our latest challenge is that John has refused to take his midday nap at school, all this week. Which means that he is VERY tired and cranky all evening long. NOTHING is the way he wants it, he doesn't want to do ANYTHING, and EVERYTHING sets him off into temper tantrums, crying, and screaming. Tony has started to adjust well, but I, of course, took a little longer. We are back in survival mode and muddling along.

Last night was tough. We had several time outs, hitting, kicking, lots of yelling, screaming, and the stamping feet dance. He went to bed about 7pm. Woke up at 9:15 calling for Daddy. After about 5 minutes I went in, didn't say anything, helped him straighten his blanket and smoothed his back, and he lay back down an went to sleep. (That was fine and lovely.) Up again at 5am. Wanting bagel and water. Then he (and all of us) slept till about 8:30am, and had to drive pretty hard to get to school by 9:30. (We like to get there by 9 at the latest)

It's just a phase and he'll get past it. He's not ready to give up that nap but he's trying to. The teachers at school have been really great at trying everything and being patient with him. I told Miss Katie that we are happy for them to do whatever works for them. We'll see how this weekend goes. He's always taken his nap at home for us, so we'll see.

I think we've hit the terrible twos. I wish we could get his old sleep schedule back! It was really working... Sigh. I know, that's not how life is...

We still have glimpses of our lovable, mischievous, sweet boy. They are just surrounded by a lot of Sturm und Drang.


jessica v. said...

It's always so funny (interesting funny, not ha ha funny) the cycles that life goes through...and the fact that I'm sure we (the adult readers of this blog, since I'm assuming there are no toddler readers yet) would all LOVE to have midday naps and some of us do (i.e. Mom and Dad) but toddlers resist naps and want to assert their non-nap status...if only he knew that once he hits teenage years/college/and beyond naps will be like the best thing ever...hey, people pay good money in Japan for naps. You tell him that.

Juliet said...

That is so funny.
That is EXACTLY what I told John today, that all the adults in his life would love to have someone come and tell us it's time for our nap right after lunch. Read us a book, make sure we have some juice or water, and rub our back a little to help us get to sleep!

He did take a nap today, though. Evidently, Miss Sharon, not his normal teacher, is the one with the touch.
And what a world of difference it made in those hours between school and bedtime. I love my child again!