Monday, March 24, 2008

Tony's Ok

Tony was in a wreck in the Escort yesterday, the other guy's fault.
He was on his way to the Warehouse Theater in Greenville for a photo call and was hit about a mile from the theater, with the minivan turning left across his lane of traffic.
He rode to the hospital in the ambulance with the driver of the other car. Basically, he just had bruises from the seat belt and the air bag, and a couple of cuts on his face. He is sore today, but went to work.

We're very thankful it wasn't worse, that it was the Escort, which was dying anyway, and that John wasn't in the car!


Jenny said...

yikes! very scary. sooooo glad that Tony is safe -- hope the soreness doesn't last long.

i've always kinda thought left turns should be banned. more evidence to support my case...

Jeff said...

Yep, glad he's ok. On the plus side, you get a new car and the other guy's insurance gets to pay for it! :-)

Juliet said...

We'll have to see about that. Unfortunately the Escort wasn't worth much, and I have zero faith in insurance companies.

Christine said...

Poor Tony, poor Escort. I'm glad Tony's okay!