Monday, May 23, 2011

When bad things happen to good toddlers

So Christopher had a really rough day yesterday. Tony and I noticed a little red bump on his eyebrow in the morning and just thought he bumped his head, normal for someone who is learning to walk. When he woke up from his nap it was twice as big. He was very fussy, so I called the pediatrician on call and he agreed that it was probably a bug bite. We put benadryl cream on it, and went to the library.
Then, in his new big boy shoes, Christopher stepped off the curb and planted his face on the asphalt in the library parking lot. I was later looking at his poor little swollen and scratched face and said he looked like he'd been in a bar fight. John added "And lost."
However, as you can tell from the photographic evidence, he remains in good spirits.


Jenny said...

OUCH! But love his smiles! what an amazing little guy.

Christine said...

Christopher seems to take everything in stride! That will be good, too, when he gets to adulthood!

John is hilarious with the "and lost" comment. So cute!