Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hoppin' John

John is going to sleep well tonight! We went swimming at the rec center today and John re-discovered not only his love for jumping into the pool, but also his love for having an audience. After his first jump, a man and his wife clapped and cheered for him and he ate it up. He immediately reached for the side of the pool, climbed out, and jumped in again to even more applause. We must have done this about 15 times in a row! I made him take a break, mostly because my arms were tired from lifting him back up onto the edge of the pool. All told, he must have jumped in the pool 25-30 times today. He was in a very good mood the rest of the day. After dinner we were playing with his trains and he suddenly told me that it was time to put the trains away and take a bath.

Oh, and from the tooting-my-own-horn department (no intended reference to Juliet's family), while we were swimming I heard something that made me feel really good. John and I were playing a game where I stick out my tongue, he moves his finger close to it, and I pretend to bite his finger off. This game always makes him squeal with laughter, by the way. While we were playing this game in the pool, I heard a little girl near us say, "I want daddy to do that to me!" What can I say, I'm a trendsetter.


Pa said...

A future Olympic Gold contender, no doubt!

What event will it be: diving, swimming, or pretend-finger-biting-off? (The latter is bound to be a sanctioned event by then... :)

Jenny said...

guess you'll be heading to the pool every day now, eh?! stick with whatever works. :)

and i love hearing stories like that! what a great feeling to hear such a comment!! you were certainly the coolest dad at the pool!

so does john go under water when he jumps in?

Juliet said...

John sometimes goes under when he goes in. I think it kind of depends on his mood and on Tony's. We also do the "one-two-three" and under with him, which he tolerates, but doesn't really like.
(Normally I miss out on the fun, since I'm usually upstairs cardio-ing or lifting...) Sometimes I do an overhead press with John, but I can usually only do three or four!

jessica v. said...

I immediately wondered, too, if John had been inspired by the Olympic diving...but I don't know if that's just because of all the hoohah that's been going on over here because of the 14 year old British diver, who, by the way, doesn't look that much older than John!

But of course you're a trendsetter, Tony - you and Julie both are fantastic parents...I've known it for years! (well, two..!)

Anonymous said...

John was going underwater pretty much every time. I think he tolerated it more than enjoyed it. The first time he jumped, I actually let him get all the way underwater before I grabbed him and pulled him back up and he was just fine with it. I don't think Juliet was, though.