Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Amazing "Bee"

These past couple of days, as we have all been struggling on how to negotiate John's growing independence (i.e., the terrible twos), we have discovered a new power of the Bee [his blue blanket]. It can help him calm down when nothing else can! He's been having lots of meltdowns (and they are pretty instantaneous sometimes) and once, he had his Bee with him while he was calming down (which normally takes about a five-minute time out). Now, I just help him find his Bee and say "Your Bee can help you calm down" and it does!!! We will enjoy using this technique until it no longer works.

Tony and I are both amazed and proud that John understands the difference between calm and upset. If we have to put him in time-out or "bee-out," he works through the tantrum, then calls "Mommy, I'm calm, I not cry." Now I am working on the same technique for myself!

(PS: I know you've seen this picture before, but I don't have another recent "Bee" shot!)


Pa said...

Good work! It appears that you two are staying a step ahead of JM... for now! Keep up the good work - you are doing a terrific job.

Jenny said...

bee-out. that's great. :)

red-woobie-out doesn't sound nearly as cool for naomi and her security object.

SupportTheArts said...

Juliet, I ran into Tony at Actors the other night. Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Cute picture!

Nancy Stephen