Thursday, April 10, 2008

Count to ten

John can just about count to ten, or at least say all the words, he's probably not even counting.

He can say six-seven-eight-nine-ten, and does all the time.
He also says one-two-three but usually misses out four and five.

One of his other new favorites is "Mark. Set. Gooooo!"
He's been in the two's room a school a lot this week, so I think he's repeating a lot of what he must hear in there.

It's very cute. Whenever I come to pick him up, all the two-year-olds say "John, your mom is here!" Then they help him find his cup, giraffe, and blanket. etc.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

very exciting. it is SO fun to observe the amazing progress and developments that seem to happen over night, every night these days. cannot wait to see him when y'all come -- and it's not long now!!