Wednesday, October 24, 2012

John's homework

One of John's weekly assignments is spelling. He has ten words a week and he has a list of different activities to do with the words.
This week he took a written test via dry erase board, with Pa via Skype as the test administrator.
It was great!

 Christopher got into the act. He mostly drew "elephants."


Christine said...

Cool! That sounds like an awesome thing to do on Skype! And isn't it fun how John is doing such grown-up things!

janellcjensen said...

What a great way to show his teacher he did his homework! Extra credit : ) - Ms. Jensen

wirrek said...

Can pa Skype with James next year? I'm so over this school thing!

Pa said...

It was fun for me, too!
And how nice of John's teacher to comment on the blog. I had no idea it was so widely viewed!

Juliet said...

I emailed her. I meant to print the photo at the local Walgreens and put it in his homework folder, but didn't get around to it...