Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Typical Toddler Talk

Christopher is firmly in the toddler camp, and talking up a storm.

Here is what we hear most frequently:
"I need that."
"I do it."
"Come over here."
"Oh my."
"Oh my goodness."
"Where's John?" "Where's Daddy?" "Where's Mommy?"
"I see?"
"Here go, John." (Here you go, John)


Andee said...

Oh man, we are firmly in the MINE!!!! category right now with Sydney as well. Sigh.

Juliet said...

I guess that's why God made their little voices so cute, so that their demanding talk would be more tolerable...

Jenny said...

YAY for Christopher!

btw, i really enjoy this phase -- like you said, they are very cute and to me, it's like a game trying to translate and figure out what they are talking about sometimes! oooh, i wonder if there's a toddler translation app out there somewhere?! ha!

Anonymous said...

Yeah we got to see john's scooter....I was wondering what it looked like......Mimi