Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Yesterday John went from reading as a chore to "I love reading!"
He has a series of small books (10 pages or so with just four words on each page) called "Bob Books." (Not Bob the Builder). We have been forcing him to read those to us occasionally during our nightly reading sessions, which he did begrudgingly. But last night he started reading them on his own, and he enjoyed it a lot more! Now he is blazing through the books, and tonight he read "Hop on Pop" to Christopher.



Christine said...

That's fantastic! Isn't it strange how things like that just happen?!

Jenny said...

That is so awesome! i've heard it's like a light switch turning on and often happens around 5 1/2. i've been waiting for naomi's light to go on!

what a cool moment for john!! and for you to see!

Juliet said...

I'd never heard about the light switch simile. I didn't realize it would be so sudden!

Anonymous said...

Great....congrats to JM.....and reading to forward to your

Anonymous said...

Just read the history of Bob Books....I think I will get a set and learn phonics.....Mimi

Pa said...

It was bound to happen sometime!