Friday, April 1, 2011

Christopher has strep

Unfortunately, not an April Fool's joke... We are also officially in the process of being referred for ear tubes and possible adenoid removal... Everyone says the same thing when I tell them, "Poor little guy." I can remember going through this with John. Or maybe I can just remember the blog posts....


jessica v. said...

Poor little guy. And poor little Mom for having to go through it, too!
I guess once he has tubes, though, then it's done, right?

Juliet said...

Yes, and I think it's inevitable. They inherited Tony's ears, and he still has trouble with ear infections... maybe he needs new tubes too!
Actually, the doctor has recommended having his tonsils out. That's a whole other ball of ear wax. Ewww...

Andee said...

We had Kyra's adenoids removed. Trying to leave the tonsils in as long as possible since, like you said, it is a whole other ball. The adenoids weren't too bad though. 3 days recovery at home.

Poor little guy. :-)