Friday, May 30, 2008

Info about Robert the Contractor

Here is a picture of Bob the Builder with Muck.
John has a plastic toy of Muck that he loves to dig with in the yard.

Here is a link to an informative page about Bob and his gang.
Click on the characters and you can find out about them. You can navigate from this page to the home page for games, activities, and other fun stuff.

Here are the lyrics to the show's theme song, which we usually sing at least twice at bedtime:
Scoop, Muck and Dizzy and Roley, too.
Lofty and Wendy join the crew.
Pilchard and Bird, Travis and Spud,
Playing together like good friends should.
Bob the Builder!
Can he fix it?
Bob the Builder!
Yes he can!
Time to get busy, such a lot to do.
Building and fixing till it's good as new.
Bob and the gang have so much fun,
Working together they get the job done.
Bob the Builder!
Can we fix it?
Bob the Builder!
Yes we can!

Here's the jazzed-up, full version of the theme song. These guys are the ones who sing on the TV show, but they don't sound as British in the U.S. version

Here's Bob the Builder, Mambo no. 5.
Very cool.

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