It's 5:40 am, and I popped awake about an hour ago, realizing that if I changed John's and my seats to the row immediately behind the bulkhead (which were available when I checked in at 4:30pm yesterday), he would disturb two fewer people because he wouldn't be able to bang on the tray table of the people in front of us. So I printed out new boarding passes, then discovered that you can't actually change your seats within 24 hours of the flight. However, I now have two sets of boarding passes for two different sets of seats. [This seems like a serious security breach!] We'll see where we end up. I always wait until the last minute to get on the plane anyway... Previously, I always envied the "parents with small children" who got to board first. But now that I'm older and wiser, why would anyone want to get into a small, cramped space with 100 cranky people any sooner than they have to??? Particularly with a wiggling, giggling, screaming toddler!
So, we have been cleared for take off. John had an ear checkup with Feiste yesterday afternoon and he got an antibiotic shot and another prescription, as well as a followup appointment the day after we get back. He's definitely going to have to have tubes, and that's fine. Having tubes was never really the issue for me, it became who was going to put them in. Hopefully we can time the surgery so that it is completed (and recovered from) before our trip to Chicago early next month.
Anyway, I have been getting today's work done (I only took a half-day of vacation today), and just watching the time go by, hoping that everything will go smoothly today. It probably won't, but now as I type, I'm realizing that it WILL go smoothly, if I can STAY smooth in my reactions to whatever comes up. Yes, I know, that's obvious, but that seems to be my personal lifelong challenge. I KNOW the lesson: "Getting upset is not worth the energy, doesn't help, and usually makes things worse." Maybe this time I'll remember that lesson. Because now I see (I'm full of epiphanies this morning!), I actually have learned the lesson, I just have to practice and APPLY the knowledge EACH time.
Whoa. I did not mean for this post to be so philosophical. I just wanted update "Ear Crisis 2007" and let everyone know that we are planning to take the NJ trip!
Eyes Focused, Ears... On
5 hours ago
1 comment:
So glad y'all are going to be there with everyone.
And this just in....i talked to mom and heard the flight went really well and that John was happy as could be from start to finish.
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