Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ice Day 1.64

School was cancelled again today because of icy roads. Yesterday they sent everyone home at 10:15am. Unfortunately, the precipitation didn't start until 4pm...
I am thankful, VERY THANKFUL, that we live in a neighborhood with three other families with kids the same age as ours and who all get along very well, in various permutations. Every one has their closer friendships, but the little kids and big kids play with each other very well, and they can play together or separately. The three other moms and I are pretty much on the same page with rules and parenting styles, and we are all prepared to call any kid out for inappropriate or dangerous behavior. It is really a parenting utopia!

The kids basically cycled through everyone's house today. It made the ice day much more bearable for everyone and there was a LOT less whining than there would have been if my kids had been by themselves at home. 

I only had my kids from about 2-4pm, for some recharge time and homework time. Then everyone came over here for a Mardi Gras mask craft and the last round of outside play.

Here is the third cup of hot chocolate at 2pm. It was progressive hot chocolate today.

Craft time


Me too!


Dinner in front of the fire. Thank goodness bedtime is almost here!


TSD said...

Love it! And I totally agree -- our neighborhood is awesome!

Jenny said...

I've always been envious of your friends/neighbors circle! That's great!

Naomi has been asking when she is going to have her ice day...it usually happens in Feb, but no signs of it yet!!

Juliet said...

She's got at least another week or two according to the groundhog. Our daffodils started shooting up so late this year, I knew we were going to have some more winter...

Christine said...

Awesome!! I am glad your neighbors are cool!