Monday, August 2, 2010

Just so that my posting date isn't "one week ago" on everyone else's bloglist

Everyone at their respective work stations.

For the record, Christopher is sitting down in the bassinet, not standing up. I was reminded by Mimi tonight that he doesn't need to crawl or pull up, he's got his royal bearers (me and Tony) to move him from place to place!


Henry and June said...

Thank you! You are officially on my list of people who will be notified when the baby is born. Now if my brother and sister would just update their blogs!

Henry and June said...

Also, you've been feeding us suppers, so you were automatically on the good list and escaped from the wrath of Grumpy Gertie.

Henry and June said...

Also, you've been feeding us suppers, so you were automatically on the good list and escaped from the wrath of Grumpy Gertie.

jessica v. said...

Rats! For once I wasn't the last one on the list...