Friday, February 29, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

There ARE dumb questions ...

... that as a toddler-mom I sometimes ask before I can stop myself.

1) Why did you do that? (-push your friend? -dump that on the floor? throw that in the bathtub? etc.)
Which is answered with a blank stare or a devilish grin

2) Are you ready to ? (-get dressed? -go? -take your bath? -wash your hands? etc.)
Which is invariably answered with "No."

I am trying to wean myself of these troubling questions, but it is difficult. Searching for meaning, reasons, or rationale in the life of a toddler and his mother is a futile quest.

Monday, February 4, 2008

A new word

John's word for potty is "pawpaw."
At his friend James's house on Saturday, he and James took turns sitting on James's little plastic potty (with pants up). Tonight he sat on the toilet in our downstairs bathroom for about a minute after I was finished. With his pants up.
I'm not sure I'm ready to start down this road. I know the result is desirable, but there's a lot of ground to cover between here and there.